Wellness oasis
Alpinea Wellness
Wherever you look in this area, you'll find goodness. Our greatest treasure is our history – the history of the Alpine world and its inhabitants, their intelligent and careful handling of the natural conditions, possibilities, and restrictions they found and which characterize every inhabited place. The mountain existed long before we came along. The meadows, the river, the trees, and the rocks were here before we appeared. This balanced way of living and working in harmony with nature isn't a "secret" and it isn't "new" – for our ancestors, it was an accepted part of their culture.
"Alpine wellness" has merely rediscovered this method and reawakened our awareness of it. "Alpine wellness" includes an appreciation and use of this ancient knowledge of the unity of nature, an understanding of its challenges, and the enjoyment of its gifts. It is our conviction that "Alpine wellness" must be re-oriented to modern times, and adapted to the special requirements and needs of modern people – including you, our guests. The Alps are the major common denominator for numerous similar regions. Our goal is to open up and reveal the special characteristics and unique qualities of the Alps at our hotel, and to help convert them into positive experiences from which our guests can profit. What unusual, special, or unique experiences can we offer here, in South Tyrol, and at our location in St. Sigismund? The smallest units of Alpine wellness are the wholesome and invigorating qualities which Tauber’s has collected for you.